The first this year´s novelties we implemented in our CRM system was the introduction of transfer orders outside the Czech Republic, which would simplify the work of representatives. Also, it is easier to process data for reporting, or analyse the current situation in the market. One of our important clients started using the novelty immediately.
A transfer order is one of the sales promotion tools, which are available to a representative of a company producing pharmaceuticals. By using it, they can order particular goods from a distributor to a particular pharmacy. Launching these types of orders has required a long journey and difficult communication with local distributors, who ensure the smooth flow of mutual data (e.g. stock reporting, standard or reduced pricelists, etc.).
Transfer orders with distributors
On our part, it includes immediate transferring of created orders, detailed recording of those orders and continuity in reporting. The whole process was completed several weeks ago in Hungary where we had started, as usual. We had a meeting with a client in order to obtain general requirements for using transfer orders, which were based on the existing method of processing this type of orders.
After we had got familiar with the existing situation, the step number two led to making contacts with individual distributors, from whom we needed to obtain documents for their own tools for the creation of transfer orders through third parties (API tools for 3 big distributors – forms received by e-mail for small distributors).
At the end of the first meeting, we defined an expected deadline for launching transfer orders via Medor.
Development planning
We had the theory and plans, and the development had come into focus. Our developers started defining individual parts of the development which led to successful extension of our CRM system. In particular, it involved:
- connection of Medor to distributors´ systems;
- addition of an option of working with a percentage discount into Medor;
- addition of an option after the creation of an order which will be approved by an authorised user/s first before it is sent to a distributor.
With the clearly planned roadmap, they could proceed with the development. In the meantime, of course, we stayed in touch with the client, keeping them informed. We continued to communicate with individual distributors in order to clarify the necessary methodology and other details mutually.
The most important topics for the development included individual attributes of orders. For the smooth operation of the system, we needed to solve how and where particular attributes should be transferred to distributors. The second complicated solution was the identification or the definition of relations for pricelists, customers and order statuses.

Various testing environments
As soon as we solved the basic functionalities, we started testing, which was conducted in several phases. At the beginning, we tested transfer orders in a testing mode outside the Medor system. As soon as we debugged minor inconsistencies, we proceeded with the next testing phase.
This time, we went over to our system, where we tested several tens of orders. In a moment we found out everything was working well, so we were just waiting for the confirmation from the client that they had everything they needed. At the same time, we needed to know if they could use our system properly to create an order they expected. They answered yes. So we could implement the latest version of Medor in the production environment.
Training for the client
However, this was not the end. In order to make the client´s switch to the latest system as easy as possible, we prepared the training for their employees who would use Medor on a daily basis. After the training, the first real orders were carried out, and the system started working perfectly.
However, there is one more party we had been in close contact with from the very beginning. Distributors. We had been in touch with the biggest ones almost every day in order to be sure the implementation would be without any troubles. Finally, we needed confirmation also from them, to know they had accepted and processed everything as expected.