About us
We are a team, whose members pull together along with their partners. As a result, we all like coming up with new things and moving forward, and we offer the same to our clients. Every day (and sometimes at night as well), we try to find opportunities to get ahead of competitors and increase the efficiency of processes. At the same time, we know very well that each field is different, so we like to listen, and then we come up with a solution based on our experience.
At the beginning of the present solution, there was an idea of a student of Czech Technical University in Prague at that time – the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering to simplify the work of pharmaceutical representatives and bring something new to the market. It took more than a few evenings, but the first clients started to appear. They found out they could work in a different way. More efficiently. On the basis of the feedback from users, which became the driving force of our software, it was clear that it was not just another university project that would end where it began.
For our partners, we have become a helping hand in everyday life, which is a natural part of them. It’s not about coming up with extraordinary ideas all the time. Our goal is to come up with practical things, which can be used in practice immediately. Then, we can polish it step by step through regular testing and development to achieve a solution, which is the most efficient and mainly easy to use.
Over the course of almost twenty years, we have moved from a university code to a complex solution, which extends beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. Tens of companies and hundreds of representatives and sales agents know they can rely on us. Whether they are in an office or outside, they always have immediate access to all important information. Thanks to their experience and openness, we have managed to develop such a product as Medor is today.
How Medor was developed
We are partners for your business
Sales department
Contact us: +420 606 030 331 / obchod@medor.cz
Austro‑Bohemia, s.r.o.
IČ: 25792890 | DIČ: CZ25792890
Bank account: 2200081094/2010
Medor Helpdesk
Contact us: +420 601 309 666 / helpdesk@medor.cz
Remote support: TeamViewer
Headquarters Praha
Address: Na Hrázi 178/25, 180 00 Praha 8
Branch Office České Budějovice